Parts Offered
We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :-
Pellitory Roots
A perennial, procumbent plant with numerous stems and somewhat downy
branches, leaves redical, stalked, smooth, pinnatisect into linear, subulate
segments, cauline leaves sessile, branches one-headed, involucreal scales
lanceolate, acuminate, brown at the edge, receptacle convex, ray flowers
white, purplish beneath.
Chemical Constituents
The roots contain anacylin, pellitronine, enetriyne, alcohol, hydrocarolin,
inulin, traces of volatile oil and seasamin. They also contain deca-,
dodeca-and tetradeca-trans-2, trans-4-dienamide, a new series of tyramine
amides corresponding to the isobutylamides. The presence of polyacetyenic
compounds is also reported in the plant.
Cosmetic Uses
It is being widely used in tooth pastes, Pellitory root and
acacia bark are used for their astringent and cleansing properties. contains an
essential oil and an alkaloid "pellitorin" or "pyrethrin";
and act as viriliser, nervine & cardiac tonic, stimulant, sialagogue and
possesses antibacterial action due to its alkaloid. It is given in premature
ejaculation, impotence and chronic bowel complaints .
Medicinal Uses
roots are acrid, astringent and are a valuable sialogogue and regarded as a
tonic to the nervous system. It is anti-inflammatory, depurative and
powerful irritant. A decoction of the root is useful as a gargle in dental
caries, odonatalgia, pharyngitis and tonsillitis. It is used to treatment of
paralysis, hemiplegia, cephalagia, chronic ophthalmia, epilepsy, cholera,
rheumatism and typhus fever. Powedered root is given with
honey for
epilepsy. Plant used as a drug in sexual disorders of males.